BootLogger is a System Extension (System 7 or higher, please) that writes to the file 'Boot Log' in your Preferences Folder every time the machine starts up or shuts down. You can use it to keep track of when your machine is used - it is a simple form of security. It also helps if you're trying to cut down on the hours spent at the screen!
How To Use It
Simple Method: Stick it in the Extensions Folder and reboot. Every time you want to know when your machine has been used, open the Boot Log with TeachText.
Cunning Method: For maximum stealth, open BootLogger in ResEdit, copy the INIT resource, open your System file and paste it in. Reboot once, and then make the Boot Log file invisible, again with ResEdit. This way it will be hard for people to know that BootLogger is there.
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Any damage to absolutely anything ever, caused by whatever chain of events was not our fault, and we do not accept responsibility. We do, however, accept cheques.
Bit At The End
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